Chin Lian Tsai (蔡錦蓮), Technical Manager, Innolux Corporation
Chin Lian Tsai (蔡錦蓮), Technical Manager, Innolux Corporation
A Practical Plan for Seismic-Resistance Engineering in High-Tech Factory
Since 2005, the earthquake-resistance engineering team of Innolux Corporation has been cooperating with experts and professors to improve earthquake-resistance engineering for producing process equipment.
They aim to design and develop the best seismic engineering methods to enhance earthquake-resistance techniques.
Furthermore, they not only increased (1) seismic-resistance engineering of the precision equipment and sub-equipment, (2) to modify seismic standard on equipment purchase guideline, but also (3) from 2016 to 2018, continued to do risk assessment and to improve the Overhead Conveyor (OHCV) system and the equipment of PHOTO Producing Process on the anti-seismic capacity.
To decrease loss is to increase competition; the seismic experts and the Earthquake-resistance Engineering team will continue working together to study and to solve earthquake problems for the precision equipment.
自2005年以來,群創公司之耐震工程團隊一直與地震工程專家、教授群合 作,共同完善製程設備的抗震工程。
目標:設計和開發最佳的地震工程方法來增強耐震技術。團隊不僅提升了 (1) 精密製程設備及附屬設備的耐震工程,(2) 將製程設備耐震設計標準修訂於製 程設備採購規範書; 並且於 (3) 2016-2018 年,持續精進懸吊式物料運輸系統 (Overhead Conveyor,OHCV)暨光電業黃光製程-高精密設備的各項耐震工程 專案, 進行風險評估,提高整體的耐震能力。
減少損失也是增加產業競爭力的方法之一; 地震工程專家群和群創公司耐震 工程團隊將繼續共同研究:解決製程設備耐震工程之最佳技術。
A Practical Plan for Seismic-Resistance Engineering in High-Tech Factory
Since 2005, the earthquake-resistance engineering team of Innolux Corporation has been cooperating with experts and professors to improve earthquake-resistance engineering for producing process equipment.
They aim to design and develop the best seismic engineering methods to enhance earthquake-resistance techniques.
Furthermore, they not only increased (1) seismic-resistance engineering of the precision equipment and sub-equipment, (2) to modify seismic standard on equipment purchase guideline, but also (3) from 2016 to 2018, continued to do risk assessment and to improve the Overhead Conveyor (OHCV) system and the equipment of PHOTO Producing Process on the anti-seismic capacity.
To decrease loss is to increase competition; the seismic experts and the Earthquake-resistance Engineering team will continue working together to study and to solve earthquake problems for the precision equipment.
自2005年以來,群創公司之耐震工程團隊一直與地震工程專家、教授群合 作,共同完善製程設備的抗震工程。
目標:設計和開發最佳的地震工程方法來增強耐震技術。團隊不僅提升了 (1) 精密製程設備及附屬設備的耐震工程,(2) 將製程設備耐震設計標準修訂於製 程設備採購規範書; 並且於 (3) 2016-2018 年,持續精進懸吊式物料運輸系統 (Overhead Conveyor,OHCV)暨光電業黃光製程-高精密設備的各項耐震工程 專案, 進行風險評估,提高整體的耐震能力。
減少損失也是增加產業競爭力的方法之一; 地震工程專家群和群創公司耐震 工程團隊將繼續共同研究:解決製程設備耐震工程之最佳技術。